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About us

The Open Finance Association represents companies focused on empowering consumers and businesses through opening up financial data and payments.

We believe secure, open APIs (application programming interfaces) are key to competition and innovation in this space. ​

Our priorities

Enable consumers and businesses to access their data across
all their financial accounts, and make use of it, via trusted third party providers.

Develop and drive adoption of a
competitive and convenient instant payment method based on open payments.

Promote a sustainable, well-functioning Open Finance ecosystem by creating the right balance of requirements and incentives.

Our members

The OFA brings together tech companies providing services in open banking and open finance, as well as businesses using these services. 



Arts 56 Building 

6th floor

Avenue des Arts, 56

Brussels, 1000, Belgium


OFA is registered in the European Union’s Transparency Register under number: 217419949978-03